The Canadian GST 2024-25 Holiday will not apply to RESTCo's consulting services.
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Home Page
What is Tier Zero?
Rethinking Oil Spill Response
Beaufort Sea Project Reprints
Ottawa Forum - Inuvik Roundtable Review of Off-shore Arctic Drilling
Plastic Pollution: Solutions
The Algae Threat
The Shallow Water Skimmer (SWS)
The RESTCo House and Adaptable Infrastructure Vision
About RESTCo
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Energy Risks
Our Approach
Spill Monitor
Fine Print

Strategic planning is worthless -- unless there is first a strategic vision.

John Naisbitt

Our Approach

In simple terms, our approach is:
1) collaborate with the client to truly comprehend the real problem, not just symptoms;
2) devise a holistic, systemic solution at a high level;
3) seek out best-in-class, not necessarily conventional, solutions (and not 'band-aids'), collaborating with others for their expertise as appropriate;
4) establish that the solutions will work together well;
5) present the package to the client; and,
6) work together with the client for a successful implementation.

To be most effective, we want to work with our clients from the earliest possible stages, such as strategic planning for energy infrastructure planning, base state monitoring, efficiency and conservation methods and devices, and energy sourcing.

Unlike most contractors, one of our objectives is to implement a solution which is self-sufficient locally, without need of long-term support from us. Depending on us would be an energy security infrastructure risk, and we want to eliminate that.

Our Approach
Strategic Planning
Problem Analysis
System Solutions
Best in Class
*Solution Validation
*Implementation Plan
*Implementation Support
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This site is powered by renewable energy! (All material on this Web site © Darryl McMahon unless otherwise indicated.)