The Canadian GST 2024-25 Holiday will not apply to RESTCo's consulting services.
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What we need is more people who specialize in the impossible.

Theodore Roethke


We understand that there are no one-size-fits-all solutions that can fit all regions, communities, households or even individuals. However, we do believe that a portfolio of best practices (building blocks), allowing for specific circumstances, can be configured and assembled to create tailored, comprehensive systems of infrastructure, practice, maintenance which minimize reliance on distant sources of energy, material, components and expertise.

While our principals and network of collaborators bring a vast breadth and depth of expertise, we don't pretend to understand the intricacies of your specific situation. Instead, we act as guides on your journey to more sustainable practices.

Good solutions aren't always expensive. Sometimes a bit of additional knowledge, a different perspective, or some relevant experience can lead to a solution path that actually costs less than current practices.

Off Diesel in 20
Best Practices
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