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The RESTCo Multi-functional Shallow Water Skimmer Workboat

The Gravity Collection Tower
It's simple.
It's robust.
It just works.

It can save your local environment from spilled oil and save your community money.
(44-second video demonstrating key operating principles)

In the video, the technology is demonstrated with oranges and apples for visibility and because it's an offence to intentionally put oil into open water.

Shallow Water Skimmer model (with bow sweeps)
1/5th scale model shown above

Issues - More Every Day

  • Algae blooms are growing in number, size and duration worldwide. Some blooms are hazardous (toxic compounds in cyanobacteria).
  • Plastic pollution and other floating trash is a blight on our waters, and a source of greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Oil spills continue to despoil our waters, and impact aquatic life.
  • As our winters warm, frozen waters are not as safe to cross, leading to more calls for ice rescue.
  • Stronger storm systems deliver more rain in a short period of time, causing more floods, a growing problem for urban areas. Flood response needs a way to navigate flooded streets, move people and supplies, and provide portable, high-volume pumping capacity.
  • Changing climate conditions are drying some areas, leading to more grass and forest fires.
  • Conventional water rescue need stable vessels which can accommodate rescuers, gear and multiple rescuees.

Most of RESTCo's principals are boaters. Despoiling our waterways and the impacts of climate change on our environment are matters of personal concern. As we have wrestled with a number of related issues over the years, we have developed the idea of a workboat which can effectively perform a wide range of seasonal tasks, reducing the cost of ownership by having one boat instead of multiple kinds of equipment, each spending most of the year in storage.

With the issues above in mind, RESTCo presents the Multi-Function Shallow Water Skimmer Workboat.

Boat Description and Overview

Your Voice - What Else Do You Need a Small Boat to Do?

As of June 2019, RESTCo is seeking a partner to help refine our design, support building and fitting out our first full-size prototype(s), and evaluate them in real-world conditions. If that's of interest to you, let us know.

The Pakua Multi-Function Workboat (Pakua)
The Gravity Collection Tower (44-second video)
Pakua Description
Pakua Problems Solved
Pakua Day Jobs
Pakua Specifications
SWS Options
SWS Model - The Unveil
Your Thoughts
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