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The RESTCo Spill Monitor

The RESTCo Spill Monitor is a monthly e-publication about the real consequences of the spills of petroleum products, in both the immediate and longer term. We follow the stories about spills after they fade from the mainstream media. We dig into the issues below the surface, and take an evidence-based look at how consequences can be reduced and remediated. While there are many publications for the oil industry and those interested in environmental issues, and scientific journals for research in a number of related areas, we felt there was an open niche in presenting useful information about petroleum product spills and related topics such as risk reduction, real consequences, true remediation, best practices, etc.

Our intended audience includes first responders, environmental cleanup personnel, researchers, oil companies, governments at all levels and anyone interested in the energy sector, health effects and economic and environmental consequences.

Our first few issues will be distributed for free, as we introduce ourselves to our readers, and learn from their responses and comments. Eventually, we expect to charge an annual subscription fee.

Our plan is to present a high level survey of relevant material each month, and using Web technology provide a means to drill down deeper into topics of interest to you.

Have a look at our first issue (January 2012) in PDF format or HTML for mobile devices.

View our first issue (Jan. 2012) PDF
View our first issue (Jan. 2012) HTML for mobile
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