My friends, love is better than anger.
Hope is better than fear.
Optimism is better than despair.
So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic.
And we'll change the world.
Jack Layton (1950-2011) Farewell message to Canadians
Inuvik Roundtable on Arctic Offshore Drilling - Ottawa Forum Presentations
The following are the materials from the presentations. We are providing links to the NEB
transcripts of the proceedings in Inuvik for each day, as well as the material related to the
presentations in Ottawa.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Welcome to the Ottawa Forum
Peter Russell, CEO RESTCo
Inuvik Audiocast
[This link has been removed by the Canadian Institute:]
Robert Steedman (March 2011 video)
The Beaufort Sea Project
Dr. W.A. Adams
Presentation Slides (PPT) 21 MB
Presentation (MPG) 914 MB
Discussion Break
Inuvik Audiocast
NEB Transcripts for Day 1
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Canada Science and Technology Museum Welcome, Energy Outreach Program, Tour of Energy Exhibit
Inuvik Audiocast
Spill Green Oil Cleanup Technology
Glenn Burton, Spill Green Inc.
Slide Deck (PPT) 6 MB
PDF version of slide deck (PDF) 2.9 MB
Presentation (MPG) 1.6 GB
Demo (MPG) 610 MB
Images from small experiments
Cleaned Gravel in SG Product after spill
Cleaned Gravel in water (SG product floating with absorbed oil) after spill
Absorbed motor oil
Absorbed lamp oil
Used motor oil absorbed in SG product
(it is worth noting there is no oil smell associated with any of these open containers)
Inuvik Audiocast
NEB Transcripts for Day 2
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
[*Sorry, this article has been removed from the website]
BP's Gusher - Still Gushing? (see video in Web page)
Inuvik Audiocast
Extreme Spill Technology (EST)
David Prior, Extreme Spill Technology (EST)
Slide Deck (PPTX) 4 MB
Presentation (MPG) 1.6 GB
EST Brochure (PDF) 1 MB
Inuvik Audiocast
NEB Transcripts for Day 3
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Oil Spill Remediation in the Real World
Chris Ives, ERIA Ecosystems
(see Friday afternoon presentations for related material)
Conversation with Prof. Peter Wadhams re: Fermo (Italy) Conference next week
Inuvik Audiocast
Facing Climate Change: the Arctic Perspective
John Streicker, BSc, M.Eng, P.Eng (President-elect, Green Party of Canada)
(from Whitehorse via Skype)
(introduction by Jean-Luc Cooke, P.Eng.)
Presentation (MPG) 1.4 GB
Inuvik Audiocast
NEB Transcripts for Day 4
Timely News Stories Elsewhere
Site has removed this link:">2011-09-14 Chevron Confirms Gulf of Mexico Oil Leak
Site has removed this link:] 2011-09-14 Dire Warning Over Arctic Sea Ice Melt
Friday, September 16, 2011
Rob Powell - Director of the World Wildlife Fund's Mackenzie River Basin Program, Myron Ebell - Director of the Centre
for Energy and the Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, and Nellie Cournoyea - Chair of the Inuvialuit Regional
Corp., were featured this morning on CBC Radio One program
The Current regarding the Roundtable underway in Inuvik.
Energy Efficient Housing for the North
Peter Russell, P.Eng., Peter Russell Associates
Slide Deck (PDF) 3.6 MB
Presentation (MPG) 1.5 GB
Inuvik Audiocast
Oil Spill Remediation in the Real World
Chris Ives, ERIA Ecosystems
Slide Deck (PDF) 11.7 MB
Presentation (MPG) 975 MB
Recommended video 1 - Costco Busan Spill (YouTube) 4.5 MB
Recommended video 2 - Oceana on Booms in Icy Water (YouTube) 8.6 MB
Inuvik Audiocast
NEB Transcripts for Day 5