My friends, love is better than anger.
Hope is better than fear.
Optimism is better than despair.
So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic.
And we'll change the world.
Jack Layton (1950-2011) Farewell message to Canadians
Inuvik Roundtable on Arctic Offshore Drilling - Ottawa Forum - Background Documents
The National Energy Board (NEB) has been conducting a series of consultation meetings
in the north related to permitting the drilling of off-shore oil and gas wells in icy Arctic
waters. As a result, they have collected a lot of material on the subject, and additional
relevant material is available from other sources.
Starting point for National Energy Board Arctic Offshore Drilling Review documentation
Advance Questions to the NEB Inuvik Roundtable from:
Dr. William A. Adams, PhD
Liane Benoit MPA, FRCGS
José M. Gonzalez BEng
Christopher J.M. Ives, MA (Cantab)
Darryl McMahon BCom
Stephanie Meakin
David Prior, Commercial Captain's Licence_Transport Canada
Peter Russell P.Eng
August 2011 (PDF 52 KB) (8 pp)
Documents Referenced in the Advance Questions Submission (noted above)
The ITOPF 2011 handbook (PDF 3.3 MB) (54 pp)
The Macondo Blowout Environmental Report January 2011 (PDF 2.5 MB) (9 pp)
The Captain Mark Turner report on Newfoundland Labrador offshore oil spill prevention and
response capabilities December 2010 (PDF 4 MB) (273 pp)
The SL Ross Report - Spill Response Gap Study for the Canadian Beaufort Sea and
the Canadian Beaufort Sea and Davis Strait July 2011 (PDF 111 KB) (37 pp)
The PEW report - Oil Spill Prevention and Response in the U.S. Arctic Ocean:
Unexamined Risks, Unacceptable Consequences
Summary November 2010 (HTML)
Full Report November 2010 (PDF 7.9 MB) (146 pp)
The NUKA report - Oil Spill Response Mechanical Recovery Systems for Ice
Infested Waters: Examination of Technologies for the Alaska Beaufort Sea. June 2007 (PDF 2.7 MB) (100 pp)
The WWF report "Lessons not learned: 20 Years after the Exxon Valdez Disaster - Little Has
Changed in How We Respond to Oil Spills in the Arctic" Feb 2009 (PDF 1.1 MB) (16 pp)
COSTCO BUSAN Oil Spill in San Francisco Bay November 2007 (video 1 minute)
Alaskan oil boom 2000 tests "What If An Oil Spill Happened in the Arctic?" July 2011 (video 2 minutes)
Additional Background Documents
The Beaufort Sea Project Reports
Western Arctic Oil Spill Response Gaps - World Wildlife Fund Canada - March 2011 (PDF 1.8 MB) (28 pp)
[dead link:]
CBC Doc Zone - Blowout - Is Canada Next.2010.12.09 (video) 44 minutes
Overview of Historical Canadian Beaufort Sea Information - February 2009 (PDF 2.5 MB) (99 pp)
History of petroleum industry in Canada (PDF 1.7 MB) (14 pp)
The Ottawa program is subject to
change based on who will be participating. To date, we expect local presentations on the
following topics.
Tour of the Canada Science and Technology Museum's Energy display and outreach program
Limitations of current oil spill cleanup technology in use by the major oil and gas companies
A superior oil cleanup technology developed in Canada
The real costs of oil spills